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If one looks carefully at the third chapter in Genesis, it explains how the devil took control of this world and of man (humanity) after the Collapse of the Eden Project. Within verses 21 to 24 of this chapter lies the hidden description of how and what the Devil did to safeguard his position as the planet’s new ruler. For those who do not believe that the devil is the ruler of this world, I remind you of Jesus’ words when he said;

   “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire. He was a murderer from the beginning not holding to the truth for there is no truth in him.  When he lies, he speaks his native language for he is a liar and the father of lies” [i]

So now that we have established who rules down here, let us look at the changes this new overlord brought to this world. The first thing he did was make garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.  What one should ponder, is why would the true God alter or add clothing to his human model when man (humanity) had already been created in the way that the Creator wanted him to look like? [ii]Therefore, let us search for the true image behind these words because as Jesus remarked it is the spirit that vivifies.[iii] Let us look at the symbolic image or concept behind the words; he clothed them in garments of skin. Why would the new ruler of the ‘duty shirking’ couple from Paradise (and its other inhabitants),[iv]  want his recently conquered people to wear skins?  Skins are usually attributed to animals as in you hunt for pelts or skins.  This sentence establishes and confirms that it was extremely important for the continuation of his (Satan’s), domination over this newly conquered realm, that everyone living (and born into it), would be forced to wear the skins (flesh) that he produced for them and that he also personally clothed them with. Since the new ruler is the Devil, these skins would symbolize the image of human beings now covered by his demonic and beastly spiritual teaching, therefore ensuring their allegiance to him. These new skins should also be seen metaphorically as humans behaving like animals, both physically as well as spiritually.

One must be careful reading these passages because the writers of these biblical texts did not have the keys to enlightenment and therefore the words that they wrote could and did mislead everyone. It is strange that the Bible specifically writes that it is only after the seduction and betrayal of the Edenic couple that this god made garments of skins and clothed man in them and therefore each human that ensued from that moment onward. That is exactly what happened when this new god known to be the Devil, as Jesus mentioned, took over.  His teaching (lies) led the couple into accepting the wearing of skins or rather accepting to adopt a more bestial attitude that was both spiritual and physical. That is why most of humanity continuously shows signs of being cruel, whether mentally or physically, as we can testify in all the conflict ever fought on this planet.  Moreover, it is only natural with this new spiritual teaching circulating around the world, that people started bearing children with this same demonic attitude of ferocious animals, as the first child born to the now infamous couple proved it. Remember, Cain murdered his brother in a fit of jealousy.

Under his new title of god, which he appropriated for himself, Satan through the religious teaching (lies) of all his priests of every faith, spiritually clothed the couple and therefore the world with a bestial attitude represented by the skins. From the moment of their betrayal, the Edenic couple, in allegiance with their new Lord and Master, continued to propagate this deceitful teaching to the world and their offspring(s) under the now false title of representative of the True Lord.  Even his sons continued the religious practice of offering sacrifices to their new lord,[v]  something that the true God has a horror for as mentioned in Isaiah Chapter 65:3. Remember, that according to the Bible, Adam lived until the ripe old age of 930 years after the fall of the Eden project.[vi]  Due to his position and teaching, humanity turned into a creature that was a far cry from the original command to be born divine in the image of the Creator. Divinity being something impossible if your flesh and more importantly your mind and spiritual frame is now clothed in a beast’s pelt (attitude) all thanks to the hellish and bestial teachings originating from the serpent that the couple freely accepted.  Remember, Eve was considered the mother of all the living (humanity) [vii] and Adam was the spiritual leader of Eden and both accepted the serpent’ fruit (teaching) by ingesting it, allowing it to become part of who they were.

Moreover, to prove that humanity now had a different allegiance and loyalty, the new ruler acknowledges that, 

  Man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil.

One must ask who the us is. Us is plural and so the statement must be referring to the Devil and his minions, who originally were just souls conceived like we were. God is singular, the ONE and ONLY. He is the Father, as Jesus called Him and as Father of the original creation of souls, He would defiantly have never wanted man to know evil because that would have brought sin into the picture. With the serpent’s interference and the knowledge of what sin was now exposed to the inhabitants of this planet, who up to the establishment the Eden Project, had not been born with the comprehension that they were transgressing any of God’s Laws.  That was what Adam was supposed to be educating the people about; divine Law which commanded one to do no harm. Therefore, people had been doing things they did not know were wrong because they were still ignorant of the existence of the true God and his law. This period of ignorance of what God expected of them was simply a continuation of the punishment for their rebellion in Heaven. They could not for lack of instruction (up to that point) ascend towards divinity until they changed their ways. That was what the Eden Project was about. Unfortunately, by accepting the serpent’s beliefs and lies [viii] and ingesting them, the understanding that they were sinning commenced with this physical and spiritual change to the dark side, which produced Cain, a murderer, as one of its first examples. So instead of producing divine children, we had spirits being called by pregnant mothers into bodies that acted spiritually and physically like beasts.  I repeat, the law of God had only been introduced onto this planet with the Eden Project, where Adam had been given the position of caregiver/ teacher of this law that had been established within this particular community. With the adulteration of that Edenic knowledge, due to the serpent’s teaching of sin, you no longer had purity and/or ignorance.  Therefore, with the acceptance of this contamination of the knowledge of sin by the Edenic couple and introduced into the teaching, man/humanity could not (and up to this day cannot) become a child of God.

 At this point, Satan as the new ruler, admits that man has now become like him, knowing good and evil. Moreover, it is now very important for the new upstart sovereign that none of his subjects return to paradise. 

  For in this next sentence indicates the Devil’s greatest fear:


He (man) must not be allowed to reach out his hand

and take also from the tree of life and eat and live forever.

In order for Satan to thwart God, the true Creator and Master, he must have subjects that support him.  For if man (humanity) ever decided to return to the tree of life, to the teachings of the true God, then who would serve the Devil and his priests.  Hence, to reach out a hand is symbolically the image of asking for help, for assistance.

              To take from the tree of life is to spiritually accept God’s teaching. To eat from it is to transmit His Law into our flesh. Remember, that trees as explained in previous articles were seen as images of people[ix] and families, as in a family tree. Hence, eating would be seen creating a new flesh and with time allowing you to pass this knowledge down to future generations.  To live forever is to dwell with the Lord in holiness or divinity, never to sin or fall again. One would then be born divine, like Jesus. Realizing that this action of trying to reach this tree of life would be a major dilemma for him, the new Lord God (Satan) banished man from paradise.

Let us look at the signification of the word paradise. From the Greek parados it means on the path. The Devil had to ensure that the path towards God was no longer attainable. One must realize that the only true path into this world is through the womb of the mother, who unfortunately by continuing to follow Eve’s actions, serves the new ruler of this realm. For many millenniums, she has provided the flesh for souls who are not divine like Jesus, but rather bestial and demonic.  This humanity serves Satan directly or indirectly by their thoughts, words or actions. In order to ensure his dominance over humanity, Satan and his minions continually ensure that she remains uneducated of the process that would return us to the tree of life by governing her with his/their spiritual teaching.

Hence, Eden may had been a real place on earth, but it is the symbolic image that the true paradise (path) is the mother’s womb, for only through her, can we return to the tree of life (God) where we can be born and inhabit a purified flesh, like Mary provided for Jesus. Nevertheless, one must make no mistake in understanding that divinity is a gift from God and that she was originally intended to be His co-creator.  This was something that Satan understood, this power, this special position of hers, for right away he went and seduced Eve not Adam. 

Furthermore, let us remember that the serpent, according to the Bible, was never banished from Eden because symbolically he still controls the pathway into Eden.  Since the symbolic image of the Garden of Eden is the mother’s womb, again it is the reason why the serpent/priest[L1]  seduced Eve to the dark side before Adam.  For it is written that she is the mother of the living. [x] Hence, if humanity ever decided to reach out and work for its salvation, in the long run it would need a mother to enrobe their spirit in a purified flesh, which would help elevate them towards the Creator.

In order to accomplish this prodigious work, she must understand and be connected with God.  Unfortunately, until that time when she decides to escape from her hellish liege lord, nothing on this sphere will change.  Evil will continue to run amok around us for nothing pleases Satan more then to abuse his subjects, which he cares nothing for, but allows all kinds of atrocities and hatred to persist just to get back at God, who he intensely hates. Hence, it has to be reaffirmed, that the serpent went after Eve to turn humanity away from God because she (woman) was and is the gateway unto this plane of existence and the only way back to paradise and the tree of life.

Furthermore, to guarantee that man remained banished from Paradise, a place where God’s teaching had been, where the tree of life was, Satan erected a guard to block the path. This guard was in the form of a Cherubim, who held a flaming sword that swished back and forth.  Now a Cherubim is an angel of the second level after the Seraphim and the word derives from the Hebrew word to know.[xi] Therefore, this guard was known to have knowledge and its only purpose was to keep man (humanity) out of Paradise. Who on this planet claims to have knowledge of God, if it’s not the priests? If we take a look at the image of a Cherubim in Babylonian and Assyrian art, it was described as a bull with a human head, usually placed at the doors of temples.[xii] Therefore, it would seem, from this early art form that this Cherubim/angel was a beast (skin) with a human face.  It should also be noted that its form was that of a bull, which the male of the bovine specie is. Therefore, this angel/ guardian was male. Have not the guardians of our temples/churches for millenniums been the male priests.

Furthermore, since we were given animal skins to wear by the new ruler of this world, it is not strange to see that his Cherubim guard (beast) had a flaming sword when guarding the entrance to paradise. Is a sword not considered a destructive weapon, a weapon of war? Does the flames not remind us of all the inflammable speeches throughout the millenniums that have been made in times of strife or wars by our leaders who are truly his henchmen? Does it not remind us of all the times that the flames of hell were exhorted out loud in churches if we did not obey them? Moreover, can one not see in these Cherubim(s), word that means to know, those who also guard the temple doors of the mind through their control of the people’s educational system, which then controls the physical temple, the body, where reside the soul.

Therefore, the Cherubim's only job was to guard and ensure that man’s way back to the tree of life (God) was blocked.  This earth-bound angel or demon (for a demon is a fallen angel) that the new ruler placed at the door of paradise, did this by holding a flaming sword, that he swished back and forth, a definite sign of aggression against anyone who searched for the path back to God. If he was truly an angel of God, word that means messenger, then would not his purpose, since he had knowledge, be to help man back to the tree of life, not aggressively bar the way back.

In conclusion, these three verses definitely demonstrate our position and our plight in this world.  The new lord god is really Lucifer under his new name of Satan.  In order to preserve his position on this planet, he has barred the way back to God through the teaching propagated by his priests. Teaching that has clothed us with attitudes and actions resembling those of wild beasts.  For since the fall of the Eden project, there has never been peace down here, either individually or collectively and peace will never be known until we reach out, especially the mother, to the tree of life, eat of it, and live forever with the true God.





[i] Bible: John 8:44

[ii] Ibid: Genesis 1:27

[iii] Ibid: John 6:63

[iv] Articles 4&5

[v] Ibid: Genesis 4:3-5

[vi] Ibid: Genesis 5:5

[vii] Ibid: Genesis 3:20

[viii] Ibid: Genesis 2: 1-6

[ix] Article 12

[x] Ibid: Genesis 3:20

[xi] The World Book Encyclopedia (1940) vol 3, page 1343

[xii] The Westminster Dictionary of the Bible (1944) page 99

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